The Weakest Tamer Begins a Journey to Pick Up Trash – Episode 1 — Anime Feminist

Tame your expectations in this premiere that has promise but might split your opinion on weather it’s iskeai trash or truly treasure.

The Weakest Tamer Begins a Journey to Pick Up Trash – Episode 1 — Anime Feminist

The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic – Episode 1 — Anime Feminist

Follow Usato’s adventures in a solid isekai premiere that shows a lot of promise and avoids some of the genre’s most sexist pifalls.

The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic – Episode 1 — Anime Feminist

Mini-Review: Pokémon Concierge

Haru, Tyler, Pansage, Pansear, and Panpour do some yoga stretches.

Pokémon Concierge (2023) is, first and foremost, a love letter to stop motion animation, which really feels like the only way you could tell this specific story. It helps that it’s beautifully done, rendering lead Haru, a new concierge at the hotel, in a world that feels lived in, inclusive of its delightfully and literally crafted toy-like world.

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